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Custom disputes

If you are considering importing goods to Russia, it is imperative that you have the proper support to make the process as fast and easy as possible.  Our firm, Varshavsky&Partners, has rich practical experience on all customs matters,  including negotiation and dispute resolution with customs officials.

Naturally, our focus is on minimizing any customs duty imposed on goods our clients import.  The process of having your goods declared legal for sale in Russia can be difficult, confusing and frustrating without the proper help.  Having a fair and proper customs value for your goods is essential to making the process as short and smooth as possible.  If you have a fair and proper value up you avoid pitfalls like a customs value correction process, which is long and expensive.  The   customs value correction process can result in a 10%-40% markup.  Since this value is the base for customs duty and tax, it can seriously damage the business proposition of your enterprise. 

Our experience will help you to navigate the entire customs process effectively and with minimal expense.  The process of substantiating and validating customs value is usually long and very difficult without proper representation.  It’s the main reason why Multinational Economic Deal businesses, more and more, choose to seek help from law firms like ours which have expertise in customs house law.  We understand customs officials and their tendencies.  This practical, local experience can be crucial to finding a fair and equitable resolution of issues while maintaining the interests of our clients. 

The  cost of our service for impugnment and repayment of a custom value correction is set individually on contract basis. The cost varies depending on the services required.

Initial consultation with our specialists is free.

We have effectively represented many companies in customs matters including  ‘Intersport’, LLC ‘Commercial Transport’, LLC ‘Alliance Automotive’, LLC ‘Victoria’ and many others.

If you have questions about Multinational Economic Business deals please call us for a consultation.  If you are in St Petersburg use our local number, 942-75-35.  For all other calls, use our international number: 8 (921) 942-75-35.